Well Bubbas

Well Bubbas

I’ve been asked a few times now how I get Ashton to eat vegetables so easily and the simple truth is - it’s just what we eat. Three meals a day we have veggies on our plates. It’s our version of normal. 

In addition to this Jason and model the behaviour we want to see from Ashton - we happily eat our veggies. No negative talk about the ones we may not love (cabbage and onion for Jason and green beans for me 😖) just food on our plates. 

We also put no pressure on him to eat something if he doesn’t want to, because we’re teaching a little human to respect and listen to his body, a key to having a healthy relationship with food for life. This means no bribery (if you eat this I’ll give this), no incentives or rewards (eat this and you get to have this) and no emotional pleading (please eat this for *me*).

Overall it’s just the basics that we all know and want as parents - respect you child’s right to listen to their body, eat the way you want your child to eat and only have the foods on offer that you want them to eat. It’s a parent’s job to choose what foods their child eats, and the child’s responsibility to say how much they’ll have.


Mums are basically superheroes

Moving with the bump

Moving with the bump