Nutrition is bat shit cray. Honestly.
There is so much information out there, feeding your family healthy food can feel completely overwhelming! For me, whenever I get to a ‘WTF should we eat!!’ moment my motto is when in doubt, simplify. I choose to scale it back and try to imagine what people did and ate for thousands of years as we evolved. What made us survive and thrive as a species? Because of the way we evolved - living as part of the ecosystem (not on top of it) we had to roll with nature. We ate foods that were seasonal and abundant to our immediate environment. This means we naturally had a cyclical diet - a large variety of plants and animals at all times of the year. Since every single food is rich in some nutrients and poor in others by eating a wide variety and seasonally we got the right amounts of nutrients we needed to thrive.
And the same can be done now. By focusing eating seasonally and for our location we will naturally get the nutrients we need. We’re not supposed to eat one food in large amounts every single day and if we follow the seasons we can’t do this. So if you’re stuck, keep it real, keep it fresh and keep is seasonal and you’ll be fine.