Getting Better Sleep

Getting Better Sleep

I’m constantly amused by the emphasis we as Mums put on our kids’ bedtime routine and yet we wouldn’t so much as think of doing anything to improve our sleepy time. And I’m guilty of this too! But the research has been done. We know that kids who have a regular bedtime schedule go to sleep easier, have better quality sleep with less wakes and sleep for longer. So why when so many adults struggle to get enough quality sleep can we not enforce the same dedication to our own dreamtime? After a couple of years of feeling constantly tired I’ve decided it’s time to implement a much stricter routine to my own nighttime, you might like to do the same. Some things you might like to consider: .

Limited device time and blue light exposure - both are proven detrimental to sleep. Try turning off your devices, tv, screens and any blue tinted lights at least 1 hour before bed. You could read an old fashioned paper and ink style book by yellow lamp light instead! .

Calming and soothing practices in the 2 hours before bed including things like taking a warm bath or shower, doing gentle stretching, or enjoying a cup of caffeine free chai - all great for sending the ‘wind down time’ signals to your body. .

Meditation or deep breathing again for those wind down signals- I’ve been using mediataion app @insight for a couple of years now and love the guided meditations under ‘sleep’ for use just before lights out. .

At least 15 minutes of daily sunlight time especially in the morning - exposure to the spectrum of light outdoors is intricately linked with our circadian rhythms - our sleep cycle - so time outside helps your body recognise when it’s time to rest. .

Have dinner at least 2hr before bed - longer if possible as it can be hard on your body to digest food when it’s trying to rest and restore. Less work for your body = better sleep for you. .

These are just a few! So many things you can do for better sleep hygiene and I’d encourage you to try at least one (or all) if you’re feeling like your sleep is not as good as it could be.

Nutrition is bat shit cray. Honestly.

Nutrition is bat shit cray. Honestly.

But what about you new Mama?

But what about you new Mama?