The oil you need for flu season.

The oil you need for flu season.

This oil is one of the reasons I am so passionate about sharing natural alternatives to modern medicine. Because we got the flu last week. Not the man flu, not the run of the mill flu you might use to describe a bad cold but the actual sick as a dog, can’t get out of bed, no eating, barely drinking, dangerously high and long lasting fevers flu. I’m on day 10 now and although not 100% I am miles better. On day 3 both Ashton and Jason came down with it too.

So there was the 3 of us awfully sick and no ability to move let alone look after each other. We were a very poorly lot! On day 4 Ashton took a turn for the worse getting a nasty secondary infection to his throat. Poor little guy. He couldn’t eat, drink, swallow, talk. Nada. And pain killers were doing nothing. His fever was sitting at a scarily high and constant 40C and we were at the point of do-we-don’t-we go to hospital as dehydration can be quick and deadly for children. And then I pulled myself out of my own sick brain fog and remembered little old oregano oil. It’s not an oil I would have chosen straight up to add to my kit but good golly gosh am I glad I got it. Because oregano oil offers potent support to the immune system and while a very hot oil - so not safe to apply to the skin of children - 1 drop on a tissue pinned to the outside of their t-shirt can work wonders. And it did. Within 2hours of doing just this with Ashton and he was like a new child. He was eating, drinking, his fever started coming down and he was playing with his toys. This from a child who only a couple of hours prior wasn’t moving or able to swallow. We then backed oregano oil up with some heavily diluted On Guard rolled on his spine and within 24hr he was 90% better.

We did the same with Jason and his turn around was just as fast. A little sadly I had to take the slow and steady route to getting better as oregano and On Guard are best avoided in pregnancy. But still, 2/3 of us better meant I could take some more time to rest and look after myself instead of wearing my Mama hat and taking care of everyone while struggling myself. And that’s a win in itself.

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