Berry Bircher with Paleo Muesli

Berry Bircher with Paleo Muesli

LSA is a mix of ground linseeds, sunflower seeds and almond meal - since nuts and seeds oxidise quickly I prefer to make my own. You could substitute any plain nut or seed meal if desired.

Serves 1 (with plenty of muesli leftover)

For the Paleo Muesli:

1C flaked coconut

1C shredded coconut

1C LSA (see notes, right)

1C pumpkin seeds

1C sunflower seeds

1C macadamias, roughly chopped

1C pecans, roughly chopped

½C brazil nuts, roughly chopped

1/3C chia seeds

2 tsp ground cinnamon

For one serve of bircher:

1/3C Paleo Muesli

1/3C milk of choice (homemade nut milk or 100% pure coconut milk is best)

1/3C fresh or frozen berries of your choice

3 heaped tablespoons natural coconut yoghurt (homemade is best)

Honey, to taste (or add some sweeter fruit on top, like a banana)


  1. To make the muesli: In a large dry, glass jar or container combine all the muesli ingredients, shaking until all mixed through. Store airtight in a pantry cupboard for several months.

  2. To make the bircher: combine the muesli, milk, yoghurt and berries in a bowl, mixing gently until everything is combined (or glass jar for easy totability).

  3. Store in the fridge overnight, or at minimum, sit on the bench for 20 minutes to let the flavours develop.

  4. Serve with honey and extra fruit on top, if desired.

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