Feel more energetic, happy and confident in your skin and show up as the Mum you want (and deserve) to be.

Say goodbye to excess weight while also resolving fatigue, zombie brain, depletion and other lingering symptoms of “mum life” and a big hello to the kind of health you’d be happy to gift to your kid(s).


Welcome to

Flourish Mama: lose weight, gain health

a holistic 6 week weight loss program for busy Mums.

I get it, you have a baby, spend the first year working out how the heck to fit this [delightful] alien being into your life and somewhere along the way you find your rhythm to get through the days.

However, for many Mums, this journey comes at the cost of their own health. It’s the I’ll-focus-on-me-when-I-get-the-baby-sorted mentality. Many Mums get so caught up in the day-to-day that they forget what it is to feel good, and slowly the “mum-life” feels creep in and become normal.

I couldn’t even tell you how many Mums I’ve worked with now who tell me that being unable to lose weight and feeling low, tired or just ‘blah’ is part of #mumlife

Well I’m here to call BS to that. While feeling this way might be common, it most certainly is NOT normal!

And then while you’re feeling like a zombie stuck in ground-hog-day the constant juggle of all the things makes it easier to tell yourself that you don’t have time to look after yourself. But,

The simple fact is, you cannot be the best Mum that you can be - confident in your skin, energetic, happy, calm, joyous, insert-your-motherhood-dream-here, unless you feel good.

In short, feel crap = feel crap.

Enter Flourish Mama: lose weight, gain health

The holistic weight loss program with personalised support, but as a discounted package offering.

This program is for you if:

  • You want holistic practitioner support: As a holistic nutritionist (and Mum!) specializing in helping busy mums, I understand the unique challenges you face. I’m here to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to succeed.

  • You're a Mum ready to put your health first

  • You want help losing weight and feel like sugar or processed foods will be a big factor for you

  • You want to lose weight but rightfully know that exercise and calorie counting is NOT the answer to weight-loss.

  • You want sustainable and lifelong weight loss, not a quick fix.

  • You want to feel more energetic, mentally well and confident in your skin and/or improve your whole overall health

  • You’ve got some niggling symptoms and want personalised support and to take a gut-hormone-liver-thyroid-mental-wholebody holistic approach to your wellbeing

  • You want to show up as the best Mum you can be while learning how to teach your kids to do the same for themselves

What the package includes…

  • One initial consult (60min online) with me to get a holistic snapshot into your health, causes to your weight loss woes and an action plan personalised to you.

  • 5x mini check in consults (15min online), to talk through your progress or blocks, adjust your plan as needed and to offer hands on support.

  • The ‘Comprehensive Women’s Master Manual’ e-book complete with nutrition plan, meal plan, recipes, and holistic wellness advice to support you to achieve your goals.

About Trish

Trish is a university qualified Nutritionist with postgraduate expertise in gut health and healing and 8 years experience working with Mums and kids.

As a Mum of 3 young boys (7, 5 and 2.5 years) she knows what it is to juggle the health and wellness of herself AND a family. With a plan to graduate uni and work with kids, after becoming a Mum herself she realised just how poorly supported Mums are and that if you really want to improve the health of the next generations, working with the women behind the families, is where that health has to start.

Trish is now passionate in working in postnatal care, from those delicate days and weeks after birth to the many years that come afterward. The fact is, postnatal conditions and depletion can exist for many years after having a baby, and for many, the demands of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and the juggle of baby and life will deplete Mums in a way like no other and of course this naturally impacts the way you get to show up and ‘Mum’.

And that’s why Trish believes if we focus on nourishing Mums, we can make positive ripples that will impact every other person in the family. In short, healthy and happy mums = a healthy and happy family.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to get blood tests to do the package? No, this is totally optional. As part of the package you’ll complete a comprehensive health summary which will give me a thorough look at the symptoms you’re experiencing and how you’re feeling and while they may not add up to much to you, they can give me great insight in to what might be going on in your body. We can make plenty of impact just using this ‘symptom picture’ alone, so don’t stress about getting bloods (or other tests) done if you don’t want to.

Can I just do one consult instead of the package? Of course! However, research shows us that to make lasting impact a long term approach is more beneficial, and people are far more likely to see positive changes by making a longer commitment. That’s why participating in the package is an important piece to weight loss success.

How do the 1:1 consults and sessions take place? Online, from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you are!). It’s my goal to help as many women as I can, and this means being able to reach you wherever you are, whenever you are. I often work primarily through zoom but other arrangements can be made as required.

Is this program just to lose weight? Not at all! While I recognise that weight loss is a goal for many Mums, my aim is to help you gain health, not lose weight. If your body needs to lose weight, you’ll find that it naturally happens as a side benefit of getting healthier, and feeling great! And that is my intention.

Is this program suited to special dietary requirements? Yes, I can support all dietary requirements and needs.

Do I have to follow a certain diet or way of eating to do the program? Absolutely not! While my goal is to get everyone eating more wholefoods and less processed and packaged stuff, you get to choose what you eat. Of course I’ll give you my recommendations depending on what you’ve got going on health wise and according to your goals, but you’re in control of any of the dietary changes you make (or choose not to!).

Why would this be different to seeing a GP? Doctors are incredible at emergency and acute care, if I’m in an accident, take me straight to the ER! That said, the genius in the type of work that I do - that’s holistic nutrition and lifestyle medicine - is that I can help you improve your health, prevent chronic conditions and even better manage any conditions you may already have. I also use different reference ranges to your regular doc, so when they look at your test results they’re looking to diagnose a condition and then treat you with a medication. My aim however is to spot the red flags as they arise, tweak your diet and lifestyle now and get you feeling better (or prevent a long term health issue) TODAY, not when your test results are ‘bad enough’ to treat.

Will this program be able to help me? Do you have hormonal or mental health issues? Do you need or want to lose weight? Do you have a few random symptoms like hair falling out, skin breakouts, eczema or poor sleep? Do you get night sweats, period pain, irregular cycles? Common headaches, poor immune health, itchy skin, swollen fingers or joints? In short, if you’re a Mum and have any symptom be it big or little, yes this program can help you!

Other questions? Let me know! I’d love to help you, feel free to email me at hello@wellwithtrish.com or on instagram here

Terms and Conditions

Well with Trish does not offer refunds, transfers, suspensions or extensions on packages or appointments for change of mind, injury, illness, change of address or any other reason. All purchases are final.

Please respect my IP! As a conscious small business owner I always try to do my best for my clients, please do the same for me! Anyone found to be sharing their course content will be denied further entry to the program and have their package cancelled without refund.

For direct debit:

    • Program fees are paid fortnightly or monthly (depending on your choice) in advance for the following two/four weeks of the package.

    • Well with Trish is not responsible for additional bank fees that you may incur from your bank. Bank fees are under the terms and conditions of contractual agreements that lie between you and your bank.